Disc Golfing Basics and how to in #JacksonMI

Disc golf is played much like traditional golf, but instead of a ball and clubs players use a flying disc. The sport was formalized in the 1970's. Just like traditional golf, the object of completing each hole in the fewest strokes is the main goal of the contest. A golf disc is thrown from a tee area to a target which is the "hole." The hole is typically a Pole Hole®, which is an elevated metal basket.

There are some obstacles:

As a player progresses down the fairway, they must make each consecutive throw from the spot where the previous throw has landed. The trees, shrubs, and terrain changes located in and around the fairways provide challenging obstacles for the golfer. Disc golf shares the same highs and lows of traditional golf.

It's inexpensive and incredibly flexible:

Disc golf rarely requires a greens fee, you probably won't need to rent a cart, and you never get stuck with a bad "tee time." It is designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages.

This sport is proudly inclusive:

The PDGA proudly proclaims it is one of the greatest lifetime fitness sports available. Both able and disabled participate, giving them the opportunity to take part in a mainstream activity. Because disc golf is so easy to learn, no one is excluded.

From the PDGA:


Where to Disc Golf: Here are Four Great Courses in Jackson, MI

Thank you for reading and visiting the beautiful #JacksonMI

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